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Is it really possible to last longer than 60 seconds in bed, without having use dangerous pills that kill all the senses?

Our independent review finds out the truth about such claims found in a brand new resource to help men suffering from premature ejaculation...

According to statistics, at least 30% of all American males suffer from premature ejactulation. And I say at least, because in reality there are many men who are far too embarrassed to admit their problem to anyone but their partner.

In fact, it's a worldwide problem that seems very difficult to resolve. And if you're suffering from PE, then you'll know what it's like when you...

  • Can only last 30-60 seconds
  • Feel embarrassed and inadequate
  • Dread sex, instead of looking forward to it
  • Worry that your sex life and relationships are on the rocks because you can't satisfy her
  • Worry she'll go elsewhere for her kicks?

But don't worry, because there is hope. But before we get into that, you need to know the truth about PE and why you're even reading this page in the first place...


Why haven't you found a solution already?

There are many reasons for PE, almost as many reasons as there are 'solutions'.

First of all, as an adolescent, the masturbation habits you developed may have led to this problem. Typically adolescents masturbate with the intention of reaching orgasm quickly, thus premature ejaculation has been “programmed” into your system.

Secondly, the body sees sex as a way to reproduce. Humans are one of the very few species on the planet that has sex for pleasure, not just for reproduction. Therefore, we're not designed to last for hours in bed...because physically, it is simply not required.

And the reason PE happens in guys mainly under 40 years old is because they tend to be healthier and produce more hormones. And that means they have a more efficient reproductive system.

Put simply, ejaculating quickly means your reproductive system is working as nature intended. So relax, there's nothing wrong with you in that sense...but you simply need a way to safely and naturally control it.

You see, once arousal reaches a certain tipping point it becomes almost impossible to hold back ejaculation. But when you can tweak a few mental and physical factors you can push your tipping point farther and farther so you last longer and longer.

The 'trick' is to be able to train your body to build a tolerance to even the most titillating sex sessions and increase your staying power. So now you know what's causing PE, you should also know what to avoid when trying to cure it...


the problems with many other products

Desensitizing creams and sprays merely kills your erection, because it causes it to feel numb. The creams also rub off onto your partner and she'll lose her senses too (and not in a good way!)

Basically, any pills or any non-prescription remedy having to do with sexual peformance should be approached with extreme caution. Not only that, but they plain don't work most of the time...and who wants to rely on pills every time the moment takes them?

Heck some of those pills and potions can even cause even further sensitivity and change the colour of your pee! Some even contain chemicals that cause irritation, and others are just snake oil (i.e - they're selling a lie).

It's a bit like the people who bottle water and then market it as 'fresh from the mountain, pure...'. It's purified water, nothing more.

And here's something you should also know:

There’s no such thing as an herb or other chemical compound that makes you last longer. Even the greedy billion dollar pharmaceutical companies have so far failed to get themselves a patent for a prescription ejaculation cure.

Then there's the condoms designed to 'help you perform'. I tried them with my girlfriend and she told me that 'it did nothing for her'...and she wasn't the only one. Besides that, I still didn't manage to last longer.

And as for the many books and guides out there - well let's just say in my experience, they either take too long to apply in the real world, are filled with jargon and theory or worse still, they are just mere words of encouragement that don't offer enough real advice for you when you're 'out on the field'.

And I'm not sure about you, but I had reached a stage where I was sick and tired of reading or hearing about the same old stop-and-go or squeeze exercises most people pass around.

However, there's one particular product which is already proving to be highly effective and is nothing like these past types of products. It's called the Ejaculation Trainer










What the Heck is the Ejaculation trainer?

This entails a THREE-pronged process that safely “re-wires” your ejaculatory reflex and ejaculation response.

On one prong, men must focus on mental control. Various emotions, thoughts, and perceptions are proven to cause premature ejaculation. What you bring to the table mentally will be a determining factor of how long you last.

On the second prong, we focus on regulating certain chemicals and hormones that help cause early ejaculation.

On the third prong, we focus on the physical aspects of ejaculation control. There are many things you should and SHOULDN'T do physically if you want to control and delay ejaculation.

The combination of fighting this problem from both the mental, chemical, and physical level is what makes this program so incredibly effective. So effective in fact, that they actually guarantee a dramatic increase in your staying power if you follow their step by step system yourself.


what you'll learn inside the ejaculation Trainer guide...

  • Absolutely everything you need to know about premature ejaculation, so that you can end it for good and last as long as you need to
  • As of now your ejaculatory reflex can only handle so much stimulation before ejaculating....learn how to 're-wire' this reflex so you can endure long lasting hard stimulation without getting the disappointing urge to ejaculate
  • A 5-step plan that confronts PE from every angle....there is no way premature ejaculation can win after learning everything I'm about to show you here
  • The astonishing facts about what's going on in your head that can literally make or break your performance, and how to deal with it by fixing your mental game and mindset
  • The 4 stages of arousal and how they affect when you ejaculate
  • The shocking truth about whether you should or shouldn’t be using “visualization” during the sex act … it’s not what you think!
  • How to ride the wave of arousal for long periods of time without blowing early
  • How foreplay can contribute to premature ejaculation and what you can do about it to actually put it to your advantage
  • A sexual technique that’ll drive her crazy with pleasure, while at the same time raises your Serotonin levels and gives you more lasting power and confidence
  • How to control heart rate so you can put the brakes on premature ejaculation
  • A whole load of 'emergency' and 'will work tonight' techniques
  • An amazing way to naturally and safely control both of your Dopamine and Serotonin levels at the same time, allowing you to naturally control the hormones that regulate when you ejaculate
  • How to naturally boost Serotonin levels so you can make love with confidence while experiencing the inhibitory (delaying) effect that Serotonin has on the ejaculatory reflex
  • A huge mistake most men make with their breathing during sex that sabotages their ability to last – chances are, you’re doing it too! – here’s what to do about it
  • The secrets on how to have sex without having to stop so often to delay ejaculation
  • A 4-step breathing technique you can use immediately to delay ejaculation
  • The truth about the perineal muscles and how they can be used to help with premature ejaculation
  • How to correctly train these muscles which will make a huge difference in your ability to delay the ejaculatory reflex...and how to hold it in when the time comes
  • Why exercising the wrong muscle will have no effect on helping your problem – most books get it dead wrong – mine tells you the truth once and for all
  • A simple exercise you should practice 2 to 4 times a week to attain total ejaculation control
  • A fail-safe trick that you can use when you’re about to ejaculate but want to stop it before it happens
  • The astonishing technique that’ll strengthen your erection even after you ejaculate so you can get back in the game with no down time
  • 8 things you must absolutely know about whenever you masturbate with the intention of re-training your ejaculatory reflex – otherwise you’ll sabotage your efforts
  • 3 masturbation techniques that re-wire and train your ejaculatory reflex to handle prolonged stimulation and intense sexual arousal so you have more staying power
  • 4 sex techniques that improve your lasting power dramatically
  • Discover which sex positions make you ejaculate faster and which ones delay it
  • How to train the Glans (head of the penis) to handle intense stimulation...the hypersensitivity of the Glans is a major cause of PE
  • Learn a modern approach to the same secret techniques coveted by ancient sex practitioners
  • The 4 types of male multiple orgasms, and how to have them so that you can last as long as you want (yes, you read that right)
  • The truth about male multiple orgasms, and how they are used to help with premature ejaculation
  • 10 clever tricks for instantly lasting longer in the bedroom – use them tonight!


What makes the Ejaculation Trainer Unique?

The Ejaculation Trainer guide basically provides you with a system which other resources fail to realize...

A system which ties together the physical, spiritual and mental aspects of overcoming premature ejaculation, and also provides step by step advice, plus it warns you of the common mistakes you should avoid too.

Other methods act as band-aids and/or teach the wrong way to 're-wire' the ejaculatory reflex. They do nothing to PERMANENTLY solve premature ejaculation. The method and approach over at ejaculationtrainer.com are based upon giving you the healthy ability to last as long as you want.

The best part is, with the techniques found inside ejaculationtrainer.com's guide, along with their unique approach you can actually feel and enjoy the pleasures of sex.


Bad points

Whilst the system is effective (and you can read more about the success stories here >>>), the truth is that I did feel a little bit let down when getting started, because you'll quickly find out that there isn't a button you can press and suddenly become a hard core porn star stud.

That's not really the author's fault, it is the sex industry's fault for putting too much pressure on us guys. We come to expect that all other guys last for hours, and never come early...but unless you're going to a lot of sex parties, how would you ever really know that to be true?

Finally, there's a lot of information to take in. Don't expect to be done reading and become the stallion within the next 15 mins...this is going to take a few reads to absorb everything, and it weighs in at 147 pages, so that's not exactly light reading.

However, more information is definately better than too little information, so I can't really hold a major grudge just for that alone.


good Points

You can clearly see that a lot of research has been done and the fact that the entire guide is presented in such an easy to digest format really helps keep you tuned in.

The uniqueness of this guide is what really stands out though, because the combined aspects of physical, mental and spiritual states puts the problem of premature ejaculation on its' side...and really has a profound effect on how long you can last.

I also like the introductory sections which give a little more background on PE, and it kind of makes you feel a bit more 'normal' about the whole issue...and why you're having the problem in the first place.

Although scientific and 'nerdy' in places, the info is spot on and very easy to understand and apply.

Who is it right for?

This is a perfect solution for guys all around the world who need real life advice which works...without having to resort to desperate 'band aid' type solutions which often do more damage than good.

And because this is such an embarrassing problem, it's great that you don't need to provide personal details, or speak to anyone face to face either.

So if you're slightly self conscious and on a budget, then this is the product for you.

Overall Conclusion

As you can see, there are many choices out there which claim to be able to cure your PE overnight. What I've discovered is that's simply not the case, if at all with these products.

Sure, there are lots of books and guides out there too, but again, many of them carry the same dated advice which does nothing to perminently cure your problems.

Providing you're willing to spend a few days absorbing the sheer amount of advice given and you actually make a commitment to APPLYING what you're about to learn then the ejaculationtrainer.com guide is all you'll need to last longer in bed and truly satisfy your woman (and yourself!).

In fact, here's what you can expect to gain from using the Ejaculation Trainer guide:

  • You’ll Last Longer – a Lot Longer!
  • You’ll Attain Total Ejaculation Control
  • Have a Larger, Harder, Longer-Lasting Erection
  • Instantly Last 5+ Minutes Longer Starting Tonight
  • You’ll Attain an Unfair Advantage Over Other Men
  • Keep your girl in YOUR bed
  • Look forward to having sex
  • Boost your relationship, and have more fun in the sack...

for more information...

Before you make a decision, there's a few more things to consider with this product.

First of all, I reccommend checking out the official webite www.ejaculationtrainer.com and see what others are saying. Also, be sure to check out the FAQ section on the home page, as there's likely a few more questions you'll have (like I did) before you decide.

And finally, I strongly suggest you read more about the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of their guide on the website - ejaculationtrainer.com. Because only then will you see why this comes as my highest recommendation for PE sufferers, and why I'd recommend it to my own personal friends too...

Good luck, and here's to a better sex life!

Update: I've just seen that they are offering a $20 discount too, so if you're interested, now is the time to grab this guide to PE and transform your sex life for good!